Sunday, 22 April 2018

The Trips and Drips of our journey

The Trips and Drips of our journey

Have you ever felt more alive than now?


I had to ask this to know if this is the thing that connects us.
Life was so normal....until............ I met you. Everything around me seemed meaningless except u. But ever since our current phase started, i miss u with every tick-tic of the clock, with every lub-dub of the heart, with every twinkle of the star & every time i breathe. The clouds of struggle started making me lose myself into the world of non-existence. 
Change is the harsh reality of life but when it really strikes, its even harsher. 

The fairy tale phase!

Baking for monthly anniversaries

Our marriage was no less than a fairy tale which started with all magical courtship fun, late night Skype calls, Whatsapp chats and exchanging photos & more! Thanks to the technology we could enjoy every bit of our long-distance phase in the best possible way. It was really like a dream come true! Marrying someone who actually existed in your dreams and exactly the way you had imagined every inch of him, yes it happened. 

The initial months were so beautiful and romantic! Mornings were busy as we had to rush for work and days were not normal anymore. Chatting and calling in between meetings was more fun than playing a video game. Waiting for the clock to strike 7 to embrace the existence of our love and exchanging hugs & kisses was like the best time of the entire day. Finally, team-up to make dinner and explore our hands at the kitchen was like an everyday battle. Surprising each other with small gestures, romantic texts, cooking special cuisines etc. and we were falling in love each day!
The best thing about our relationship is that we share everything be it everyday chores, gossips, emotions etc. and there is no Man-Woman stigma attached. We both believe in equality, team work and sharing our load with each other. It was more of a learning phase and getting accustomed to new people and things. We started knowing more about each other's likes and dislikes, habits and hobbies, passion and motivation etc. And we discovered our shared passion of Arts, cooking, writing, and travelling. These 3 things created a much-more intricate and deep passage into each other's heart. We created a list of places to visit and start our travel exploration. The first 2 years of marriage, we visited close to 60 places that includes 12 countries, 23 cities & more. Every trip made us explore something new about each other. It was like unveiling layers from our hearts to get to the real us! Some trips were adventurous, some were relaxing and few were crazy.

The trips and drips!

Welcome to the challenging phase! 

After 2 years of expedition, we started realizing that its time we need to put our bags somewhere and settle down. We started our research for the ideal place. There were different criteria from both sides to be considered such as distance from our home country, travel time, time difference etc. etc. and the list was long. And we decided on building a saving nest before we proceed further.
So, it all started with running behind our dream and chasing the so-called need of life "Savings". Its very easy to read lots of blogs that talk about saving money and quick ways to build savings. But in reality, its a big challenge to reach your financial goals. 

The journey to build savings started with cutting down on unnecessary stuffs and by that I meant travel! It was the phase of "no-more trips" so that we can save some dollars. We started evaluating our budget, income and expenses, etc. to understand our financial situation. 


On the other hand, the stress to save money covered up our sky like the black clouds. Giving a second thought to every expense we make, working on weekends, cutting down on entertainment costs etc. Things started to change, there was no time for each other. We were more busy on filling the blocks of money and forgetting to spend time together. It felt like we are losing each other and the relationship is fading. The burden of responsibility started taking over and we were too lost in our works that we could hardly talk to each other. 

Although we were chasing the same dream, it was difficult to deal with it on the other end. Initially, we had so much time for each other and now it was gone.We started fighting for petty things, losing control over emotions and not talking for hours. It was like an outbreak of emotional burst that was caused by something else. It was difficult to handle that stress and reality together. 
 I started feeling that we have become like the typical ones who just forget their love with each passing year. That thought kept wandering in my head and I started losing myself. I started looking for a let out to share my pain and I found solace in art. 

And the day finally came when we reached our financial goals and could breathe for a while. He started to do the things which he used to do before. I realized that it was just a phase and things won't change between us. This onerous phase gave us an opportunity to know how we deal with challenges and to unveil another layer. We started to see a different perspective of life that we both carry and how they both lead to the same destination "Unconditional Love".

Tough times may feel worse but they definitely teach something! So, wait for your phase to end to understand what you've learnt.

P.S: True love can sail through all storms!